Tuesday, May 10, 2011


What an experience.  I didn't post last night for fear I'd jinx Cesare.  We walked into the training room yesterday and within the first few minutes Cesare was drawn to Walden's crate.  They bonded.  Seriously bonded.  Right away.  But, later when possible matches were presented to Cesare, none of them Walden, the dogs and Ces were tepid at best.   Then out came Walden.  They were in love.
But, you can't fall in love, not yet.  There are eleven amazing, brave recipients in this class.  Each needs to find their perfect match.  So, not until today were matches announced.  Ces was given Walden!  They love each other, it's so apparent.  Here is their official "matching photo" from today:

We're very tired and very happy.  More tomorrow!

With gratitude,
Cesare and Mom


  1. I'm so happy for ALL of you!! From Gwen

  2. Oh Cesare you guys look perfect together!!!! I'm so happy for you I'm in tears!!!! Walden looks like the PERFECT ADDITION to the Silvestro family!! Now let the training begin!! (Pay attention in class...;)!!!! )

  3. I am so thrilled to be able to follow your adventures while in Atlanta. Thank you for sharing this special experience with all of us! Congratulations to you Cesare - and to your entire family - Walden is beautiful! I'll keep following as your training begins. You both look so happy!! Take care - Debbie Copeland & family

  4. I can't see the bottom picture, but I am so happy there was an instant bond!

  5. Wow cesare amazIng you are both so beautiful
    I can't wait to come and see you both congratulations!!!
    And my best to your mama love Wendie

  6. Hi Ces, We are following your blog in our class in Duzine. Your dog is so beautiful!! Actually you kind of look alike in that picture. He has such soulful eyes. love Sig

  7. Hey Ces-We are so happy you have made what seems to be the perfect match. Walden is a real beauty. We know this will help you in you journey and we look foward to meeting Walden soon. We follow your blog daily and have shared it with Grandma and Grandpa as well. See you soon, good luck in training-Much love, Aunt Donna and the boys
