Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Givers

We have Milkbone and Sam's Club to thank for Cesare's dog.  Canine Assistants has generous donors that gift us our new miracle dog but also fly us to Atlanta and give us room and board for two weeks of doggy training school.  Cesare was asked to appear at a corporate presentation at Sam's Club a few weeks ago.  There, Tom and Ces got to meet a local family with an adult daughter with epilepsy who was gifted a dog a few months ago.  Devin, loyal and protective of their daughter, brings her dad his baseball hat when she is seizing.  The couple came to the event with Devin (their daughter was working) and Cesare got his first look at a seizure dog.  He bonded instantly.  Here are some pics of that day.  Very handsome... the dog is cute too. 

1 comment:

  1. 2 kool! thanks milkbone and sam's club.

    (i'm telling you ya need to be doing this for a living.)
