Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Munificent Twin

This post is all about Griffin.  Griffin should have his own blog.  I think he has his own five stages of epilepsy.  I'll bet they would be:
1. Fear
2. Fear
3. Yelling for help.
4. Good excuse to miss miles of school days.
5. Doesn't get a service dog.

I frequently tell my kids, when they think I am: overbearing, grouchy, strict, pigheaded, etc that they picked me, not the other way around.  I think Griff picked Ces and Ces picked Griff.  There is no other explanation for the perfect simpatico between these brothers.  Griffin is a gift, very simply.  He hasn't grown into a loving supportive young man, he was born that way.  Right from the beginning.  I have heard that twins have their own language.  Griffin and Cesare communicate without speaking.   Our boys' first grade teacher, Kathy Weiss, told me that I didn't have to worry about Cesare.  She told me that Griffin would bring the world home to him.  Griff's done that, but also held Cesare's hand when he was ready to venture out into it. 

Griff has been an enthusiastic one man cheerleading squad for Ces and his anticipated canine assistant.  There's nothing in it for Griff.  But he never, ever complains. 

Griff and I have a plan to adopt a rescued greyhound in the fall.  (Once you have one potential carpet-pee-er, what's the difference).  We have plans to train our rescued beauty to be a therapy dog.  I can't imagine a more perfect calling for Griff.  Blog to follow!

I love you Griffin.


  1. I like the word munificent very much and I think that's what you should name the canine assistant. You are each one of you funnier than the next so I hope they have the right dog for you - you'll need a witty dog if he or she has any hope of keeping up!

  2. Griffin, you're a dear, sweet person (not to mention a brain-iac)! And as Mom said, you always have been! I'm very lucky to have you and Ces as my nephews! I love you very, very much!

  3. My first time "blogging" so bear with me! I have followed Ces & Griff from birth. We worried and prayed through the progression of Cesare's seizures. Tom has been kind enough to keep us informed of his progress. Reading about this adventure and getting the therapy dog has been heartwarming and promises to be life changing, not just for Ces but for the whole family. I wish you all well and hope to continue to read about your progress. Good luck to you all. Trini

  4. Hello, Darlings!
    I have lost count of the times I have read your blog, Amy! Knowing nothing from "blog", I have had to rely on e-mail and phone. Perhaps this message will go through.
    How was I blessed to have such a dear family?
    Love you all so much. hugs, Nana
